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Revision as of 03:46, 7 February 2020 by Bethany.Chester (talk | contribs) (Context)

<-- see Help:Writing Fact Sheets and the articles in Fact Sheets Listing -->

<-- Note that we want only enough information to convincingly support the assertions made in the summary, and to counter inaccurate information. When making a point, it is important to find those sources that will result in the most convincing arguments, and to summarize findings in the most convincing manner, all without misrepresenting or exaggerating those sources. -->

<-- Good places to start research are in the "see also" section -->

<-- User Choline as a guide -->

Fact Sheet


<-- Summarize in a way similar to Choline. Some assertions about choline may not apply to iron, so be factual as always-->

Studies show that vegans are no more at risk of iron deficiency than meat-eaters, and may even have higher iron levels. Furthermore, heme iron (the type found in meat) has been linked to chronic diseases such as heart disease and lung cancer, as shown below. In contrast, non-heme iron is not linked to any diseases.


<-- why the concern? -->

  • Iron is an essential mineral used to transport oxygen through the body.[1]
  • Many people have been led to believe that red meat is the only good source of iron, despite the fact that there are several excellent plant-based sources. Some older research also seemed to suggest that non-heme iron (the type found in plants) was less well-absorbed than heme iron (found in meat). This has led to claims that vegans are at risk of iron deficiency.


<-- research and expert testimonials showing that plant-based diets are sufficient, and that heme-iron has risks, and addressing the increased risk of iron deficiency for vegans (is it true? It might be.) -->

Conflicting Claims

<-- major sources of conflicting claims and why they are false or dubious -->

Dietary Guidelines

<-- summarize guidelines. should we supplement, if so when? are supplements dangerous?

Sources of Iron

<-- foods, supplements -->

See Also

Plain Text


  1. “Office of Dietary Supplements - Iron.” Accessed February 7, 2020.


This fact sheet was originally authored by ??? with contributions by Greg Fuller. The contents may have been edited since that time by others.