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Justice for Animals - Outreach

From JFA Wiki

Justice for Animals - Outreach is an animal rights street movement loosely partnered with We show bystanders the realities of animal agriculture and teach them the only alternative: veganism.

We currently operate in the US states of Washington and Oregon, but you can do our activism anywhere and join our network. For more information, see our main Facebook page or our state groups below.


Justice for Animals - Outreach


Justice for Animals - Washington

Justice for Animals - Oregon

Justice for Animals - North California

Justice for Animals - South California

When we do our street outreach, we end our conversations with bystanders by offering them resource cards. These point to and a few documentaries. If you'd like to use this card design to order your own cards for activism (as part of JFA - Outreach or otherwise), see the image files below.

Jfa card front.png
Jfa card back.png