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People are becoming increasingly concerned about the welfare of animals used for food. This concern is spawned by undercover videos, social-media postings, documentary movies, and reporting by the press.
Some people hope to act on that concern by buying products that bear one of the humane-certification labels or that brandish some other designation, such as "cage free," "free-range," "grass fed," or "organic," thinking that such purchases cause little or no harm to the individuals whose flesh and secretions have been packaged for sale.
First, we explain why—even if specific humane claims are true—using animals for food is still not humane. Because using animals for food is still not humane, it's not necessary to show that the humane-sounding labels and certifications are misleading. But we do so anyway just so there can be no doubt. We also reveal that cruel practices are systemic to the process of using animals for food.
After the evidence is presented, it's easy to conclude that these labels have little to do with the well-being of the animals but are designed to at once assuage our guilt and compel us to spend more.
Research by cognitive ethologists and neurobiologists has confirmed that the animals we exploit for food, including fish, have desires, preferences, and emotions. They have a sense of themselves, a sense of the future, and a will to live. They have families, social communities, and natural behaviors.
In these ways and others, they are like us, and what happens to them matters to them. They each have an inherent value apart from their usefulness to us. So even if humane-sounding labels were aboveboard, using animals for food is still not humane because we are depriving them of the only life they have and a life they value.
This is true no matter how the killing is done, and it is true not only for animals used for meat but also for animals used for dairy products and eggs. Those used for dairy and eggs, like those used for meat, are slaughtered very early in their lives. They are slaughtered when their reproductive systems are used up and they are no longer profitable. None of the animals we use for food are allowed to live out their lives.
Taking the life of anyone who wants to live is to harm that individual, regardless of their species. Just as we would not consider killing for food humane if it were done to dogs, cats, or humans, then by any measure of fairness and justice, it is not humane when done to other sentient beings.
Humane slaughter is an oxymoron. "Humane" means showing compassion or benevolence. To slaughter is to kill or butcher someone who does not want to die. Slaughter is a violent act, not an act of compassion or benevolence.
Labels such as "free-range" and "cage free," as well as various humane certifications, such as the Global Animal Partnership (GAP), have been called into question by Consumer Reports and others for lacking meaningful standards and adequate enforcement.
The labels and certifications that are addressed separately in the full article—and shown to embody spurious claims—include "free-range," "cage free," "pasture raised," "grass fed," "organic," "backyard" (chickens), Certified Humane, Global Animal Partnership (GAP), American Humane Certified, United Egg Producers Certified, USDA Process Verified, Animal Welfare Approved, and Certified Sustainable Seafood.
The abuses inflicted on farmed animals are many and often severe, and they're part of the normal operations of exploiting animals for food. These abuses include confinement, crowding, mutilation, deprivation of natural behaviors, debilitating selective breeding, cruel handling, separation from their offspring, and, of course, slaughter.
Because many of the abuses are systemic, they cannot be humanely-labeled away. To be profitable, animal agriculture depends on animals being mistreated. For any label or certification to omit all animal abuses would render the products unaffordable by all but the most affluent.
The cruelty stems in part from the attitudes that surround the commodification of animals, as exemplified by a piece in Hog Management, which recommends that farmers "forget the pig is an animal—treat him just like a machine in a factory."
Here are a few specific examples of cruelty not covered earlier. These are allowed under many, if not most, labels and certifications.
—The early separation of calves from their mothers, depriving the calves of the love and milk of their mothers and depriving the grieving cow of her nurturing instinct
—Painful debeaking of chickens, depriving them of their ability to engage in preening and foraging
—Forcing a hesitant animal to move by any methods necessary, including whipping, prodding, dragging, and forklifting (the evidence for this can be seen in numerous videos and the several firsthand accounts in the book "Slaughterhouse" by Gail A. Eisnitz)
—The dehorning of cows, which one professor of animal science calls "the single most painful thing we do," done via acid, burning, sawing, or cutting with a gigantic clipper
–The clipping of teeth and tails of piglets, a painful procedure usually performed without medication and which may also result in infections, tumors, and the suppression of natural behaviors
The animal agriculture industry is aware of the growing concern for animals and know that if they appear to be uncaring, sales and profits will decline. They also know that few will examine these humane-sounding claims to see if they are true. So these labels and certifications give the appearance of being humane, assuaging the guilt of compassionate buyers.
They may also engender higher profits, because the industry also knows that concerned, kindhearted consumers are willing to pay more for products they perceive to be humanely produced.
Even if you buy into the idea that it’s OK to eat animal products as long as the animals are treated well, there is virtually no chance that the animals have, in fact, been treated well, regardless of what label is on the package. While certain labels may represent less suffering for some of the abuses, other abuses remain. The mitigation of some of the cruelties does not justify the remaining ones.
As we have shown and as exposed via Consumer Reports and other sources, the standards for these humane-sounding labels are weak and they often go unenforced.
The life of any farmed animal can only be described as one of commodified, abusive servitude ending in brutal slaughter. When viewed objectively, free from the fog of our cultural norms, their treatment and slaughter, no matter the label or certification—and by any standard of fairness and justice—cannot be considered humane.
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            <li>People are becoming increasingly concerned about the welfare of animals used for food. This concern is
                spawned by undercover videos, social-media postings, documentary movies, and reporting by the press.
            <li>Some people hope to act on that concern by buying products that bear one of the humane-certification
                labels or that brandish some other designation, such as ''cage free'', ''free-range'', ''grass
                    fed'', or ''organic'', thinking that such purchases cause little or no harm to the individuals
                whose flesh and secretions have been packaged for sale.
            <li>First, we explain why—even if specific humane claims are true—using animals for food is still not
                humane. Because using animals for food is still not humane, it's not necessary to show that the
                humane-sounding labels and certifications are misleading. But we do so anyway just so there can be no
                doubt. We also reveal that cruel practices are systemic to the process of using animals for food.
            <li>After the evidence is presented, it's easy to conclude that these labels have little to do with the
                well-being of the animals but are designed to at once assuage our guilt and compel us to spend more.
    <li>Animals are harmed by depriving them of their lives.
            <li>Research by cognitive ethologists and neurobiologists has confirmed that the animals we exploit for
                food, including fish, have desires, preferences, and emotions. They have a sense of themselves, a sense
                of the future, and a will to live. They have families, social communities, and natural
                behaviors.<ref>Bekoff, Mark, Colin Allen, and Gordon Burghardt. ''The Cognitive Animal: Empirical and
                    Theoretical Perspectives on Animal Cognition''. A Bradford Book, 2002 </ref>
            <li>In these ways and others, they are like us, and what happens to them matters to them. They each have an
                inherent value apart from their usefulness to us.
            <li>So even if humane-sounding labels were aboveboard, using animals for food is still not humane because we
                are depriving them of the only life they have and a life they value.
            <li>This is true no matter how the killing is done, and it is true not only for animals used for meat but
                also for animals used for dairy products and eggs. Those used for dairy and eggs, like those used for
                meat, are slaughtered very early in their lives. They are slaughtered when their reproductive systems
                are used up and they are no longer profitable. None of the animals we use for food are allowed to live
                out their lives.
                    <li>Details: Age of Animals Slaughtered vs. Natural Life Span.
                                    <li>The equivalent human age was calculated based on an 80-year human life span.
                            <li>Broiler Chickens
                                    <li>Natural Life Span: 8 years</li>
                                    <li>Age at Slaughter: 5–7 weeks</li>
                                    <li>Percentage of Life Lived: &lt; 1.2%</li>
                                    <li>Equivalent Human Age at Slaughter: 1 year</li>
                            <li>Laying Hens
                                    <li>Natural Life Span: 8 years</li>
                                    <li>Age at Slaughter: 18 months</li>
                                    <li>Percentage of Life Lived: &lt; 18.75%</li>
                                    <li>Equivalent Human Age at Slaughter: 15 years</li>
                            <li>Beef Cows
                                    <li>Natural Life Span: 15–20 years</li>
                                    <li>Age at Slaughter: 18 months</li>
                                    <li>Percentage of Life Lived: 7.5%</li>
                                    <li>Equivalent Human Age at Slaughter: 6 years</li>
                            <li>Dairy Cows
                                    <li>Natural Life Span: 15–20 years</li>
                                    <li>Age at Slaughter: 4 years</li>
                                    <li>Percentage of Life Lived: 20%</li>
                                    <li>Equivalent Human Age at Slaughter: 16 years</li>
                                    <li>Natural Life Span: 10–12 years</li>
                                    <li>Age at Slaughter: 5–6 months</li>
                                    <li>Percentage of Life Lived: 3%</li>
                                    <li>Equivalent Human Age at Slaughter: 3 years</li>
                            <li>Source<ref>Age of Animals Slaughtered.” Accessed February 23, 2018.
            <li>Taking the life of anyone who wants to live is to harm that individual, regardless of their species.
                Just as we would not consider killing for food humane if it were done to dogs, cats, or humans, then by
                any measure of fairness and justice, it is not humane when done to other sentient beings.
            <li>Humane slaughter is an oxymoron. ''Humane'' means showing compassion or benevolence. To slaughter is
                to kill or butcher someone who does not want to die. Slaughter is a violent act, not an act of
                compassion or benevolence.
    <li>Humane-sounding labels and certifications are mostly meaningless.
                    <li>Here we address the most common labels and certifications. Some labels and certifications cover
                        some forms of abuse, and others cover different forms of abuse, but none address all forms of
                        abuse. But even if they did, the standards are often not enforced.
                    <li>The USDA standard for ''free-range'' requires only that chickens are given some access to the
                        outdoors. There are no stipulations for the size or quality of the outdoor space, and there is
                        no requirement that the chickens actually spend time outdoors.<ref>“FSIS.” Food Safety Inspection
                            Service, USDA,
                        Also, the claim does not have to be verified through inspections.<ref>“What Does ‘Free Range’
                            Mean?” Greener Choices | Consumer Reports, April 25, 2017.
                    <li>So it's not surprising that investigations by Consumer Reports (and others) reveal that most
                        chickens labeled ''free-range'' spend their lives confined inside a crowded chicken house.
                        The free-range space itself may be nothing more than an enclosed concrete slab that the chickens
                        never use. These individuals lack the room even to turn around, much less engage in their
                        natural behaviors of preening, nesting, foraging, dust bathing, and perching.<ref>“What Does ‘Free
                            Range’ Mean?” Greener Choices | Consumer Reports, April 25, 2017.
                    <li>This has led Consumer Reports to say that "'free range''''' is one of the most potentially
                        misleading labels because of the discrepancy between what it implies and what is required to
                        make the claim."<ref>“What Does ‘Free Range’ Mean?” Greener Choices | Consumer Reports, April 25,
                            2017. </ref>
                            <li>Only one percent of eggs are from ''free-range'' hens that have the option to go
                                outdoors, but like the other 99 percent, even those hens have likely never actually been
                                outdoors.<ref>“A Hen’s Space to Roost.” New York Times, August 15, 2010.
                            <li>Jonathan Foer, in his well-researched and fact-checked book<ref>Yonan, Joe. “Book Review:
                                Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer,” November 22, 2009.
                      </ref> ''Eating
                                Animals'', sums it up well in saying that "the free-range label is bullshit" and
                                "should provide no more peace of mind than 'all-natural,' 'fresh,' or 'magical.'"<ref>Foer,
                                    Jonathan Safran. Eating Animals. Little, Brown, 2009, 102 </ref>
            <li>Cage Free.
                    <li>Consumer Reports advises you to “ignore cage-free claims” for chickens.<ref>“A ‘Cage-Free’ Claim:
                        Does It Add Value?” Greener Choices |Consumer Reports, March 5, 2018
               </ref> "'Cage-free' does not mean the
                        chickens had access to the outdoors." It only means the chickens were not confined to a
                        cage.<ref>What Does ‘Cage Free’ Mean?” Greener Choices | Consumer Reports, February 6, 2017.
                    <li>''Cage free'' chickens, like ''free-range'' chickens, may be confined not by a cage but by
                        crowding so extreme that turning around and engaging in those previously mentioned natural
                        behaviors of preening, nesting, foraging, dust bathing, and perching is difficult or impossible.
                        Such extreme crowding in large metal warehouses is the norm, with each chicken allowed less than
                        a square foot of space.<ref>ibid.</ref>
                            <li>Other conditions inside the warehouses add to the misery of the confined birds. To
                                mention only one, for brevity's sake: the ammonia-laden air in the chicken houses is so
                                noxious that the birds commonly suffer respiratory disorders, severe flesh and eye
                                burns, and even blindness.<ref>“Ammonia Toxicity in Chickens.” PoultryDVM. Accessed October
                                    25, 2018. </ref>
            <li>Pasture Raised.
                    <li>According to Consumer Reports, “government agencies have no common standard that producers have
                        to meet to make a 'pasture raised' claim on a food label, no definition for ‘pasture,’ and no
                        requirement for the claim to be verified through on-farm inspections.”<ref>“Pasture Raised” Greener
                            Choices | Consumer Reports, April 4, 2017,
            <li>Grass Fed.
                    <li>The USDA-regulated ''grass fed'' label in the United States requires that the bovine is fed
                        grass their entire life. The designation has only to do with feeding and does not prohibit
                        routine cruelties, such as dehorning, castration, confinement, harsh living conditions, rough
                        handling, and lack of veterinary care.
                    <li>Enforcement is weak,<ref>“Labeling Guideline on Documentation Needed to Substantiate Animal Raising
                        Claims for Label Submissions.” USDA FSIS, n.d.
                        and the animals are still slaughtered at an early age.<ref>Whisnant, DVM, Patricia. “FAQ Grass Fed
                            Beef.” American Grass Fed Beef (blog). Accessed October 25, 2018.
                            <li>Details: Enforcement.
                                    <li>Enforcement is weak. The regulation states that "the addition of the grass
                                        fed claim for products formulated with grass fed beef is a type of claim that
                                        can be approved through a request for blanket approval." This means that an
                                        on-site audit is not required. Instead, the producer must submit documentation
                                        to FSIS, the USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service.<ref>“Labeling Guideline on
                                            Documentation Needed to Substantiate Animal Raising Claims for Label
                                            Submissions.” USDA FSIS, n.d.
                            <li>Details: Age of Slaughter.
                                    <li>While bovines that finish feeding with grain in a feedlot are slaughtered when
                                        about one year old, ''grass fed'' animals are allowed to live no longer than
                                        two years of their 15-to-20-year life span.<ref>Whisnant, DVM, Patricia. “FAQ Grass
                                            Fed Beef.” American Grass Fed Beef (blog). Accessed October 25, 2018.
                    <li>Some have the perception that ''organic'' means humanely raised, but that is not the case.
                        Organic farmers are free to treat their animals no better than non-organic farmers. This is
                        because the USDA, which controls the ''organic'' label in the United States, ruled that the
                        label does not allow "broadly prescriptive, stand-alone animal welfare regulations."<ref>Whoriskey,
                            Peter. “Should ‘USDA Organic’ Animals Be Treated More Humanely? The Trump Administration Just
                            Said No.” Washington Post, December 15, 2017.
                    <li>Consumer Reports informs us that while there are organic standards relating to animals, they
                        lack clarity and precision, letting producers with poor standards sell poultry and eggs.<ref>“Do
                            You Care about Animal Welfare on Organic Farms?” Greener Choices | Consumer Reports, February 6,
                            2018. </ref>
            <li>Certified Humane Raised and Handled.
                    <li>Consumer Reports says that "we do not rate Certified Humane as a highly meaningful label for
                        animal welfare, because the standards do not have certain requirements that a majority of
                        consumers expect from a 'humanely raised' label, such as access to the outdoors."<ref>“Certified
                            Humane Raised and Handled.” Consumer Reports—Greener Choices | Consumer Reports, January 30,
                            2017. </ref>
            <li>Whole Foods's Global Animal Partnership (GAP) Certified.
                    <li>The Open Philanthropy Project criticized GAP for having weak enforcement and for providing only
                        slight improvements over standard factory farming conditions.<ref>“Global Animal Partnership.” Open
                            Philanthropy Project, March 26, 2016. <a
                        </ref></a> For example, according to Consumer Reports, "standards for slaughter do not exist at
                        any level for chickens and there is no limit on their rate of growth."<ref>“Global Animal
                            Partnership Step 5+.” Greener Choices | Consumer Reports, May 23, 2017.
                    <li>GAP doesn't even publish standards for dairy cows, arguably the most abused of any of the farmed
            <li>American Humane Certified.
                    <li>According to Consumer Reports, "the requirements fall short in meeting consumer expectations for
                        a 'humane' label in many ways."<ref>“American Humane Certified.” Consumer Reports—Greener Choices |
                            Consumer Reports, January 11, 2017.
            <li>United Egg Producers Certified.
                    <li>Consumer Reports says that while the label is verified, "it is not meaningful as an animal
                        welfare label because certain basic conditions, such as the freedom to move, are not
                        required."<ref>“United Egg Producers Certified.” Greener Choices | Consumer Reports, March 23,
                            2017. </ref>
                            <li>Details: Freedom to Move.
                                    <li>According to Consumer Reports, "the UEP Certified guidelines allow continuous
                                        confinement in crowded cages in dimly lit buildings without natural light and
                                        fresh air. Hens only have to be given enough space to stand upright, with a
                                        minimum space requirement of 8 by 8 inches for white laying hens kept in a cage.
                                        Producers keeping their hens in cages do not have to allow the hens to move
                                        freely, perch, dust bathe, or forage, and nest boxes are not required. While the
                                        label is verified, it is not meaningful as an animal welfare label because
                                        certain basic conditions, such as the freedom to move, are not
                                        required."<ref>“United Egg Producers Certified.” Greener Choices | Consumer
                                            Reports, March 23, 2017.
            <li>USDA Process Verified.
                    <li>According to Consumer Reports, ''Process Verified'' claims can be written by the
                        manufacturers themselves—and the claims do not have to be meaningful to the welfare of the
                        animals.<ref>“USDA Process Verified.” Greener Choices | Consumer Reports, March 7, 2017.
                            <li>Details: Process Verified.
                                    <li>Consumer Reports says, "the USDA Process Verified shield means that one or more
                                        of the claims made on the label have been verified by the U.S. Department of
                                        Agriculture. Both the claim and the standard behind the claim can be written by
                                        the company; the USDA only verifies whether the standard has been met, not
                                        whether the claim is a meaningful one. The label adds credibility to meaningful
                                        claims like 'no antibiotics, ever,' but also allows for claims with lower
                                        standards that mostly reflect the existing industry norm and add little value,
                                        such as 'raised without growth-promoting antibiotics.'”<ref>ibid.</ref>
            <li>Animal Welfare Approved.
                    <li>This is the only certification that Consumer Reports says has strong standards, yet the
                        standards still allow for mutilations<ref>“Animal Welfare Approved.” Greener Choices |Consumer
                            Reports, November 16, 2016. </ref> and other
                    <li>Also, products with this label are challenging to find. A search using their own product finder
                        reveals that it's unlikely you will find any products with this label at a grocery store near
                        you.<ref>“Find Products.” A Greener World. Accessed October 4, 2018.
            <li>Certified Sustainable Seafood.
                    <li>Sustainability has nothing to do with the treatment of the fish. Fish typically die of
                        suffocation because they are left in the air, or they die by having their throats slit while
                        they are alive. Although our concern for fish is typically less than it is for other animals,
                        research in cognitive ethology and neurobiology reveals that fish show intelligence, feel pain,
                        display emotions, and have many of the other characteristics of the land animals we use for
                        food.<ref>Balcombe, Jonathan. What a Fish Knows: The Inner Lives of Our Underwater Cousins.
                            Scientific American / Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2016. </ref>
                    <li>Not only that, but the sustainability claim itself is suspect. In a piece titled "Is
                        Sustainable-Labeled Seafood Really Sustainable?" NPR reports that scientists and other experts
                        believe fisheries are being certified that should not be. In addition, fish are being
                        incorrectly counted, rendering the claims of sustainability doubtful.<ref>“Is Sustainable-Labeled
                            Seafood Really Sustainable?”, February 11, 2013. <a
            <li>Backyard Chickens.
                    <li>Although backyard chickens are not associated with a certification or label like the others that
                        we are covering here, they deserve a closer look. A considerable number of people regard the
                        practice of keeping chickens in the backyard for food as innocuous. These backyard chickens are
                        of the same or similar variety as those on industrial farms—the very farms that account for most
                        of the cruelties outlined below.
                    <li>Baby chicks often die in transport. A quick search will find numerous reports of chicks being
                        shipped alive to backyard hobbyists and dying in transport—and reports of those that make it
                        being greatly stressed.
                    <li>Backyard chickens, like those on industrial farms, have been selectively bred, which stresses
                        their bodies. Here are just a few examples out of many:
                            <li>Laying hens are bred to lay large eggs, which stresses their reproductive systems and
                                causes such problems as osteoporosis, bone breakage, and uterus prolapse.<ref>Jamieson,
                                    Alastair. “Large Eggs Cause Pain and Stress to Hens, Shoppers Are Told,” March 11, 2009,
                                    sec. Finance.
                            <li>Another stressor for laying hens is the number of their eggs, which is the result of
                                selective breeding. A laying hen produces more than 300 eggs a year, but the jungle fowl
                                from which they are bred lay 4 to 6 eggs in a year.<ref>Cheng, H.-W. “Breeding of
                                    Tomorrow’s Chickens to Improve Well-Being.” Poultry Science 89, no. 4 (April 1, 2010):
                                    805–13. <a href="">
                            <li>Chickens used for meat have been bred to grow at an unnaturally fast rate and have large
                                breasts. This selective breeding comes with serious welfare consequences: leg disorders;
                                skeletal, developmental, and degenerative diseases; heart and lung problems; respiratory
                                problems; and premature death.<ref>Stevenson, Peter. “Leg and Heart Problems in Broiler
                                    Chickens.” Compassion in World Farming, January 2003.
                    <li>In the hatcheries from which backyard chicken hobbyists order baby chicks, the males are either
                        ground alive in macerators, gassed, or smothered to death soon after they are hatched. This is
                        because the laying hens are selectively bred for producing eggs, not meat, rendering the males
                        useless for their intended purpose.<ref>Blakemore, Erin. “Egg Producers Pledge More Humane Fate for
                            Male Chicks.” Smithsonian, June 13, 2016.
                    <li>Backyard hens are likely to be slaughtered when egg production wanes, preventing them from
                        living out their natural lives. As one hobbyist euphemistically put it, "when the expenses
                        outweigh the value, then changes have to be made."<ref>“At What Age Do You Kill a Laying Hen?”
                            BackYard Chickens. Accessed November 2, 2018.
    <li>Cruelty and suffering are systemic in using animals as commodities for profit.
            <li>The abuses inflicted on farmed animals are many and often severe, and they're part of the normal
                operations of exploiting animals for food. These abuses include confinement, crowding, mutilation,
                deprivation of natural behaviors, debilitating selective breeding, cruel handling, separation from their
                offspring, and, of course, slaughter.
            <li>Because many of the abuses are systemic, they cannot be humanely-labeled away. To be profitable, animal
                agriculture depends on animals being mistreated. For any label or certification to omit all animal
                abuses would render the products unaffordable by all but the most affluent.
            <li>The cruelty stems in part from the attitudes that surround the commodification of animals, as
                exemplified by a piece in ''Hog Management'', which recommends that farmers "forget the pig is an
                animal—treat him just like a machine in a factory."<ref>Prescott, Matthew. “Your Pig Almost Certainly Came
                    from a Factory Farm, No Matter What Anyone Tells You - The Washington Post,” July 15, 2014.
            <li>Here are a few specific examples of cruelty not covered earlier. These are allowed under many, if not
                most, labels and certifications.
                    <li>The early separation of calves from their mothers, depriving the calves of the love and milk of
                        their mothers and depriving the grieving cow of her nurturing instinct<ref>University of Veterinary
                            Medicine, Vienna. (2015, April 28). Early separation of cow and calf has long-term effects on
                            social behavior. ScienceDaily. Retrieved October 26, 2018 from
                    <li>Painful debeaking of chickens, depriving them of their ability to engage in preening and
                        foraging<ref>Welfare Implications of Beak Trimming.” American Veterinary Medical Association,
                            February 7, 2010.
                            Factsheet - Debeaking.” United Poultry Concerns, Inc. Accessed March 28, 2018.
                    <li>Forcing a hesitant animal to move by any methods necessary, including whipping, prodding,
                        dragging, and forklifting (the evidence for this can be seen in numerous videos and the several
                        firsthand accounts in the book ''Slaughterhouse'' by Gail A. Eisnitz)
                    <li>The dehorning of cows, which one professor of animal science calls "the single most painful
                        thing we do,"<ref>Dehorning: ‘Standard Practice’ on Dairy Farms,” ABC News, January 28, 2010,</ref>
                        done via acid, burning, sawing, or cutting with a gigantic clipper<ref>M’hamdi, Naceur, Cyrine
                            Darej, and Rachid Bouraoui. “Animal Welfare Issues Concerning Procedures Of Calves Dehorning.”
                            Department of Animal Sciences, National Institute of Agronomy of Tunisia and Hiher School of
                            Agriculture of Mateur, Bizerte, Tunisia, 2013 </ref>
                    <li>The clipping of teeth and tails of piglets, a painful procedure usually performed without
                        medication and which may also result in infections, tumors, and the suppression of natural
                        behaviors<ref>“Welfare Implications of Teeth Clipping, Tail Docking and Permanent Identification of
                            Piglets.” American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), July 15, 2014. <a
                                    href=""></a> </ref>
    <li>Humane-sounding labels and certifications may be best thought of as marketing.
            <li>The animal agriculture industry is aware of the growing concern for animals and know that if they appear
                to be uncaring, sales and profits will decline. They also know that few will examine these
                humane-sounding claims to see if they are true. So these labels and certifications give the appearance
                of being humane, assuaging the guilt of compassionate buyers.
            <li>They may also engender higher profits, because the industry also knows that concerned, kindhearted
                consumers are willing to pay more for products they perceive to be humanely produced.
    <li>You cannot buy products made from animals that have been treated humanely.
            <li>Even if you buy into the idea that it’s OK to eat animal products as long as the animals are treated
                well, there is virtually no chance that the animals have, in fact, been treated well, regardless of what
                label is on the package. While certain labels may represent less suffering for some of the abuses, other
                abuses remain. The mitigation of some of the cruelties does not justify the remaining ones.
            <li>As we have shown and as exposed via Consumer Reports and other sources, the standards for these
                humane-sounding labels are weak and they often go unenforced.
            <li>The life of any farmed animal can only be described as one of commodified, abusive servitude ending in
                brutal slaughter. When viewed objectively, free from the fog of our cultural norms, their treatment and
                slaughter, no matter the label or certification—and by any standard of fairness and justice—cannot be
                considered humane.
                    <li>Greg Fuller — Author</li>
                    <li>Isaac Nickerson — Copy Editor</li>
                    <li>2018-11-07 Initial post completed —glf</li>
                    <li>2018-11-16 First editing pass completed —isn</li>
                    <li>2018-11-20 Published—glf</li>
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Latest revision as of 10:22, 25 February 2019