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(Dilibitating Selective Breeding)
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== About  ==
== About  ==
It's likely that the domesticated chickens used for meat and eggs are primarily descended from the red jungle foul of southeast Asia, but birds from India, Ceylon, and other areas may also be involved in the lineage.<ref>Smith, Page, and Charles Daniel. The Chicken Book. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 2000, 11-13.</ref>
== Sentience ==
== Sentience ==
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  <li>Audits are infrequent, done by outside contractors, and announced (not suprise), and do not result in decertifications.
  <li>Audits are infrequent, done by outside contractors, and announced (not suprise), and do not result in decertifications.
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  <li>Under the requirment that farms be profitible, animals are still treated as units of production, not as living, breathing, sentient beings.</li>
  <li>Under the requirment that farms be profitible, animals are still treated as units of production, not as living, breathing, sentient beings.</li>
  <li>Humane labels are designed to make us feel better about what we are eating, and to pay more. They seem to be more about marketing than about compassion.</li>
  <li>Humane labels are designed to make us feel better about what we are eating, and to pay more. They seem to be more about marketing than about compassion.</li>
  <li>Some of the harms are systemic to the system.
  <li>Some of the harms are systemic to the system.

Revision as of 13:50, 5 June 2019


It's likely that the domesticated chickens used for meat and eggs are primarily descended from the red jungle foul of southeast Asia, but birds from India, Ceylon, and other areas may also be involved in the lineage.[1]


Suffering and Violence

Dibilitating Selective Breeding


Debeaking is painful, causes lasting suffering, impairs feeding, eliminates exploratory pecking, and contributes to lice from impaired preening.[2]

  • Chickens Used for Eggss
    • The vast majority of layers still live their lives in battery cages, unable to preen or spread their wings.
      • In 2009, 95% of all egg production is from hens kept in cages.[3]
    • Cage-free chickens are frequently subjected to overcrowding.
      • According to Dan Flynn, who has more than 15 years experience in food safety, writing for Food Safety News, says that "overcrowding and a lack of access to the outdoors are frequently cited at operations billed as cage-free…"[4]
      • As you can see for yourself by the abundance of pictures available with a quick Google. the crowding is severe, restricting or eliminating the chickens' ability to express their natural behaviors of nesting, perching, dust-bathing, and pecking. Videos show chickens bumping into each other and squawking in agitation.
    • All males and some weak, struggling females in laying hen hatcheries are ground alive.
      • Laying hens are bred to lay eggs, and the breasts or males is not profitable, so the males are ground alive in a macerator. The female hatchlings are sold to a broad range of producers, including those keeping backyard chicken coops.
      • The majority of chicks are ground up before they reach three days of age.[5]
    • A laying hen produces more than 300 eggs a year, but the jungle fowl from which they are bred lay 4 to 6 eggs in a year.[6]
    • Laying hens are bred to lay large eggs which they have not evolved for, stressing their reproductive system, and causing such problems as osteoporosis, bone breakage, and uterus prolapse.[7]
    • When clutches of eggs are removed, the hen's instinct is to lay more, and the cycle continues.
      • "If a chicken’s eggs are removed on a regular basis, she will continue to lay, in a futile attempt to follow her instincts and form a proper brood. In fact, a chicken’s nesting instincts are so strong that they will continue to try to build a brood whether or not there is a rooster present to fertilize their eggs...It is believed that chickens cannot tell which eggs have been successfully fertilized"[8]
    • The hen lays not only larger eggs, but more eggs than she would in a natural environment.
  • Chickens Used for Meat
    • The modern broiler chicken is unnaturally large and has been bred to grow at an unnaturally fast rate and have large-sized breasts. This selective breeding comes with serious welfare consequences:
      • Leg disorders: skeletal, developmental and degenerative diseases are common.
      • Heart and lung problems, breathing difficulty, and premature death are common.
      • Source[9]
    • Mutilations including de-toeing, clipping, beak trimming and other surgical procedures performed without anesthetic.
      • A group of veterinarians and other experts appointed by Parliament to look into farming practices concluded, "There is no physiological basis for the assertion that the operation is similar to the clipping of human fingernails. Between the horn and bone [of the beak] is a thin layer of highly sensitive soft tissue, resembling the quick of the human nail. The hot knife blade used in debeaking cuts through this complex horn, bone and sensitive tissue causing severe pain."[10]
  • Humane Labels and Certifications

    Only at Step 5 are chickens allowed to perch. [11]

    • USDA Definition of Free Range for Chickens
      • Free range chickens are only required to have access to the outside, without reference to size or conditions of the space.[12].
    • What free range means in practice
      • A tiny door leading to a small concrete slab beside a chicken house holding hundreds of chickens.
      • The term free-range does not carry any other conditions such as the number of chickens, space per chicken, or environmental quality.
  • Cage-free is also meaningless.
    • It just means they are not in a cage. It doesn't mean they are not crowded to the extent that they cannot engage in natural behaviors, such as
  • Audits are infrequent, done by outside contractors, and announced (not suprise), and do not result in decertifications.
    • Research reveals no loss of certifications.
    • GAP audits are required every 15 months.
    • PETA sued Whole Foods Market on the grounds that the program deceived customers into paying higher prices for certified products.
      • According to the complaint, "the entire audit process for Whole Foods' animal welfare standards is a sham because it occurs infrequently and violations of the standards do not cause loss of certification...Standards that are not actually enforced create a false impression of ensuring a more humanely treated, higher quality animal product — when in fact they ensure no such thing."[13]
      • The case was dismissed on a technicality, not because the deceptions were proven false, but because the complaint did not raise a consumer safety issue.[14]
    • The Open Philanthropy Project confirmed these suspicions.
      • For most animals on the program, GAP offers only offers small improvements over standard factory farming.
      • Standards are not properly audited and enforced.
      • Source
        • "In our view, the most credible criticism of GAP is that its standards are not as strict or rigorously enforced as they might be. In particular, a large portion of the 290 million animals covered by GAP standards are chickens and turkeys kept in Step 2 facilities, which represent only a slight improvement on standard factory farming conditions. We also think there have been issues with GAP’s contract auditors failing to properly enforce GAP’s standards. However, we believe these concerns are outweighed by the value of bringing new large producers into a regulatory scheme for the first time, under which they can be audited, regulated, and pushed toward higher standards. We are heartened to see that GAP is strengthening its broiler chicken standards,13 and we hope that this grant will allow it to improve its standards and enforcement of those standards further."[15]
  • Undercover investigations at human certified farms show that the standards are not enforced and abuses still occur.
    • An undercover investigation reveals horrendous conditions for Whole Foods chickens.
      • An undercover investigation at Pitman Family Farms revealed that even the lowest level stipulation of "no cages no crowding", which is supposed to be adhered to for all animal foods sold at Whole Foods, is not even close to being enforced.
      • According to one investigator of a Whole Foods certified chicken house they "replaced cages of wire with cages of flesh."
      • The video shows:
        • Crowding
          • Congestion so bad that in some areas the hens were piled on top of each other.
          • In other cases, birds received no more than a square foot of space.
          • Chickens that had lost all or most of their feathers from the crowded filthy conditions. You could see the rashes, inflammation.
        • Filth
          • Filth, stench, feces everywhere. Many of the birds were covered in feces and so weak that they could not clean themselves.
            • Have to live their entire life in suffocating stench of feathers, dander, urine, and species.
          • Some were stuck in manure so deep it could be described as a manure pit. They were almost buried in their own feces.
          • Some were splayed out on filthy concrete floors barely able to breathe.
        • Sickness and Disease.
          • Sickness and disease were common.
          • Some we so sick you could hear them struggling to breathe.
          • Some hens didn't have the strength to stand on their own two legs.
          • Some barely able to move or respond to anything around them.
          • Birds were found dead and dying.
          • Chickens that had lost half their body weight.
      • Investigators were overwhelmed by the constant cries of distress.
      • Source[16]
  • Under the requirment that farms be profitible, animals are still treated as units of production, not as living, breathing, sentient beings.
  • Humane labels are designed to make us feel better about what we are eating, and to pay more. They seem to be more about marketing than about compassion.
  • Some of the harms are systemic to the system.
    • Some of the cruelties are systemic to the production processes such that removing one or more of the cruelties would raise the price of the product, often to such an extent the product would no longer be affordable except to the richest among us.
    • No matter which kind of harm we are talking about, conscious beings, beings that have a life they value, are hung up to bleed, passed around on conveyor belts, dragged through electrified water, sliced up into different products, and packaged in cellophane because we like to eat them.
    • In the end, they are all slaughtered and lose a life they value.


    1. Smith, Page, and Charles Daniel. The Chicken Book. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 2000, 11-13.
    2. “Welfare Implications of Beak Trimming.” American Veterinary Medical Association, February 7, 2010.
    3. “Animal Husbandry Guidelines for U.S. Egg Laying Flocks 2016 Edition.” United Egg Producers, 2016.
    4. Dan Flynn, “Cage-Free Hens Don’t Improve Egg Food Safety, Nutrition Levels,” Food Safety News, March 1, 2017,
    5. Blakemore, Erin. “Egg Producers Pledge More Humane Fate for Male Chicks.” Smithsonian, June 13, 2016.
    6. Cheng, H.-W. “Breeding of Tomorrow’s Chickens to Improve Well-Being.” Poultry Science 89, no. 4 (April 1, 2010): 805–13.
    7. Jamieson, Alastair. “Large Eggs Cause Pain and Stress to Hens, Shoppers Are Told,” March 11, 2009, sec. Finance.
    8. Rutherford-Fortunati, Rutherford-Fortunati on. “Do Chickens Mourn the Loss of Their Eggs?,” June 29, 2012.
    9. Stevenson, Peter. “Leg and Heart Problems in Broiler Chickens.” Compassion in World Farming, January 2003.
    10. “UPC Factsheet - Debeaking.” United Poultry Concerns, Inc. Accessed March 28, 2018.
    11. “GAP Chicken Standards.” Global Animal Partnership. Accessed April 2, 2018.
    12. “FSIS.” Food Safety Inspection Service, USDA,
    13. Moyer, Justin Wm. “Whole Foods’ Expensive, ‘Humanely Treated’ Meat Is a ‘Sham,’ PETA Lawsuit Claims.” Washington Post, September 22, 2015, sec. Morning Mix.
    14. Stempel, Jonathan. “Whole Foods Wins Dismissal of PETA Lawsuit over Meat Claims.” Reuters, April 27, 2016.
    15. “Global Animal Partnership.” Open Philanthropy Project, March 26, 2016.
    16. Direct Action Everywhere. Truth Matters: DxE Investigators Expose “Humane” Fraud at Whole Foods. Accessed April 2, 2018.


    This page was originally authored by Greg Fuller. The contents may have been edited since that time by others.