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Help:Your Account and Personalization

From JFA Wiki
This is the latest revision of this page; it has no approved revision.
Revision as of 12:09, 16 September 2019 by Greg.Fuller (talk | contribs) (Creating Your Talk/Discussing Page)

This page is a work-in-process draft.

Why Create an Account?

The reasons you should create an account go beyond just allowing you to edit content. By creating an account, you can:

  • Edit existing pages and create a new sandbox and draft pages.
  • Create your own user page to share information about yourself.
  • Exchange emails with other users (if your preferences permit).
  • Be eligible for consideration as a contributor, senior contributor, moderator, or editor.
  • View a convenient list of all your contributions (edits).
  • Use your watchlist to monitor changes made to pages that interest you, and be notified via email when a page you are watching is edited.
  • Use custom preferences to change the look and behavior of the JFA Wiki.

Creating an Account

In creating an account, please use a Firstname.Lastname format for your username. For example, Jane.Doe. Your username cannot be changed after an account is created. After you create your account, you will receive an email asking you to verify your email address.

To get started creating your account, do one of the following (while not logged in):

  • Click or tap here.
  • Select Create Account in the sidebar menu,
  • Select Create Account from the dropdown menu on the top right of the screen.

After you create your account and verify your email address, a link to your user page will be shown in the menu on the top-right of the application under your name. The link will be shown in red because the page has not been created. If you wish, click the link and follow the instructions to create the page. You can include information about yourself on the page.

Verifying Your Email

== Setting User Preferences

Creating Your User Page

Creating Your Talk/Discussion Page