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Replies Listing

From JFA Wiki

Template:Jfastart The Objections section provides reasoned responses to common objections, concerns, and questions regarding animal rights and veganism.

Template:JfanoteMost of the pages listed are not linked either because the content has not been converted to this wiki, or because they are just serving as examples of the kinds of content that are intended for this section. Template:Jfanote-end

  • General
    • Introduction to Veganism
    • Getting Started with Going Vegan
    • Helpful Resources

  • Animals
    • Animals and Humans are More Similar than Previously Thought
  • Ethics
    • An Animal Rights Primer
  • Earth
    • Animal Agriculture's Contribution to Environmental Problems
  • Health
    • Whole Foods Plant-Based Diets Offer Advantages
  • Humanity
    • Animal Rights is a Human Social Justice Issue
    • A Brief History of Veganism
  • Animals
    • “It’s OK to eat animals that have been treated well—I only eat certified humane, pasture-raised, cage-free, free-range products.”
    • “Eating animals is natural—animals eat animals, it’s part of the circle of life, and we are apex predators on top of the food chain.”
    • “If we all go vegan, farm animals will either overrun the world or become extinct.”
    • “We give farmed animals their lives, protect them, and give their lives meaning, for which they should be grateful.”
  • Ethics
    • “Plants are sentient and have feelings too!”
    • “Eating animal products is our tradition–it’s been a part of our culture and a way of living for hundreds of years.”
    • “There are no true vegans. Animal products are in car tires and everywhere.”
    • “God gave us dominion over animals and put them here for us to eat—and the Bible condones eating them.”
    • “Don’t force your values on me—what I eat is a personal choice.”
    • “Humans have souls—animals don’t.”
    • "I am only one person—I cannot make a difference."
  • Health
    • “We need animal products to be healthy.”
    • “Protein is a problem for vegans.”
    • “B12 is a problem for vegans, so a vegan diet is not natural.”
    • “A vegan diet is not for everyone—it made me sick.”
  • Humanity
    • “With all the problems in the world, we should spend our time helping humans first, then animals.”
    • “Veganism would devastate the economy and cause massive unemployment.”
    • “I can’t afford to be vegan—it’s too expensive.”