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Table: Age of Animals Slaughtered vs. Natural Life Span

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Age of Animals Slaughtered vs. Natural Life Span
Age at Slaughter Natural Lifespan % of Live Lived Equivalent Human Age *
Broiler Chickens 5-7 Weeks 8 Years < 1.2% 1 Year
Laying Hens 18 Months 8 Years < 19% 15 Years
Meat Cows 18 Months 15-20 Years < 7.5% 6 Years
Dairy Cows 4 Years 15-20 Years 20% 16 Years
Pigs 5-6 Months 10-12 Years 3% 3 Years
Source: [1] *The equivalent human age was calculated based on an 80-year human life span.
  1. Age of Animals Slaughtered.” Accessed February 23, 2018.