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Main Page

From JFA Wiki
Revision as of 15:44, 3 February 2019 by Greg.Fuller (talk | contribs) (Foundational Information)

Template:Jfastart The mission of Justice for Animals is to provide a body of knowledge useful to vegans, those considering veganism, and especially those engaged in vegan and animal rights advocacy. Whether you are actively engaging with others on the street or discussing any aspect of veganism to inquisitive friends, family, or acquaintances, we can help.

The information we provide is usefully and logically organized, evidence-based, and non-hyperbolic.

We promote veganism not as an end unto itself but as the means to a world that is more fair and just, more compassionate and healthy, and less devastating to the earth that sustains us all.

Template:JfanoteIf you are new to veganism, the first three articles in the Basics Section provide a good starting point.Template:Jfanote-end


The site is organized into the following sections, with information in each section further categorized by animals, ethics, earth, health, and humanity, as appropriate.

  • Basics
    • This section contains articles covering some basic information about veganism and animal rights. The top three articles provide a good starting point for those interested in veganism. >>
  • Objections
    • This section provides reasoned responses to common objections, concerns, and questions regarding animal rights and veganism. The responses are organized into talking points. >>
  • Fact Sheets
    • Fact Sheets provide support for a variety of assertions that are commonly made in advocating for veganism and animal rights. Each fact sheet consists of one assertion, followed by summarized citations of supporting evidence for that assertion.>>
  • Summaries
    • Each entry in this section summaries an important book, video, study, or person, highlighting information that is useful for veganism and animal rights advocacy.>>
  • Blog Posts
    • This section contains blog posts on a variety of topics. >>