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From JFA Wiki

Speaking in Seattle

Greg Fuller is a Birmingham native and full-time animal rights and vegan activist. Since he founded Birmingham Vegans in 2013, the group has grown to over 1,000 members. For the last several years, Greg has spent most of his time on the road, participating in various forms of activism in cooperation with local animal rights groups.

He has participated in tabling, leafleting, street outreach, and other forms of activism in Birmingham, Miami, Jacksonville, Fort Lauderdale, Asheville, Boulder, Denver, Salt Lake City, Seattle, Bellevue, Tacoma, San Francisco, Oakland, Berkeley, Palo Alto, Santa Monica, Los Angeles, Long Beach, Oceanside, and San Diego.

He has given talks in several of these cities, including the keynote at the Birmingham VeganFest in 2019.

He started the website as a wiki-based, encyclopedic, educational resource for those considering veganism and for those advocating for veganism. The site is professionally copyedited and provides an evidence-based, non-judgmental, non-confrontational approach to vegan education.

You can contact Greg at

Speaking in Denver

Speaking in Vestavia