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Wiki Go-Live Announcement (2019-08-19)

From JFA Wiki

Draft work in process

We are excited to announce that the wiki is now live, and existing content has been migrated to the new wiki platform. Articles that were in Basics Section on the old site can now be found in the Beginner Listing, and those in the Objection Section are now in the Replies Listing.

We have moved to this new platform to help us realize the site's expanded mission of providing a collaborative, encyclopedic, evidence-based body of knowledge useful for animal rights and vegan advocacy and to those who just want to explore these topics.

You may have heard of the extremely useful Wikipedia site. We are using the same platform that Wikipedia uses, and like Wikipedia, anyone can author and edit content (see below). But unlike Wikipedia, articles here are written in the context of animal rights and veganism, with an emphasis on information that is useful for advocacy and to those exploring these topics. Another difference is that articles on this site will not be written under the fog of the cultural norm that says it is acceptable to exploit animals. And, just to be clear, we are an animal rights organization, not an animal welfare organization.

In moving to a wiki platform, the scope of the site has expanded. The new already site has lots of useful information that has been migrated, especially in providing talking points for replying to objections to animal rights and veganism. But a wiki takes an encyclopedic approach, calling for articles on a wide range of related topics.

To fully realize this goal, we are asking the animal rights and vegan community to author and edit content. We have received funding to